Sunday, February 23, 2020
Photo Bonds . . . . . #sonyhomies #eastcoastshooterz #moodygrams #artofvisuals #igtones #phillyphotographer #ig_color #ig_masterpiece #justgoshoot #igmasters #ig_epicshotz #sonyphotogallery #artofvisuals #visualsgang #instagoodmyphoto #photographylover #agameoftones #icatching #gramslayers #dopeclickz #igers #pa_explorations #pafeatured #nosmallcreator #ig_udog

Thursday, February 20, 2020
Somtimes you just have to see the signs . . . . . #sonyhomies #eastcoastshooterz #moodygrams #artofvisuals #igtones #phillyphotographer #ig_color #ig_masterpiece #justgoshoot #igmasters #ig_epicshotz #sonyphotogallery #artofvisuals #visualsgang #instagoodmyphoto #photographylover #agameoftones #icatching #gramslayers #dopeclickz #igers #pa_explorations #pafeatured #nosmallcreator #ig_udog

Tuesday, February 18, 2020
@imax of reading . . . . . #sonyhomies #eastcoastshooterz #moodygrams #artofvisuals #igtones #phillyphotographer #ig_color #ig_masterpiece #justgoshoot #igmasters #ig_epicshotz #sonyphotogallery #artofvisuals #visualsgang #instagoodmyphoto #photographylover #agameoftones #icatching #gramslayers #dopeclickz #igers #pa_explorations #pafeatured #nosmallcreator #ig_udog

Monday, February 17, 2020
@nerf wars . Inspired by the homie @jordi.koalitic . . . #sonyhomies #eastcoastshooterz #moodygrams #artofvisuals #igtones #phillyphotographer #ig_color #ig_masterpiece #justgoshoot #igmasters #ig_epicshotz #sonyphotogallery #artofvisuals #visualsgang #instagoodmyphoto #photographylover #agameoftones #icatching #gramslayers #dopeclickz #igers #pa_explorations #pafeatured #nosmallcreator #ig_udog

@j.d.l.s_imagery @69news . . . . . #sonyhomies #eastcoastshooterz #moodygrams #artofvisuals #igtones #phillyphotographer #ig_color #ig_masterpiece #justgoshoot #igmasters #ig_epicshotz #sonyphotogallery #artofvisuals #visualsgang #instagoodmyphoto #photographylover #agameoftones #icatching #gramslayers #dopeclickz #igers #pa_explorations #pafeatured #nosmallcreator #ig_udog

@j.d.l.s_imagery @69news . . . . . #sonyhomies #eastcoastshooterz #moodygrams #artofvisuals #igtones #phillyphotographer #ig_color #ig_masterpiece #justgoshoot #igmasters #ig_epicshotz #sonyphotogallery #artofvisuals #visualsgang #instagoodmyphoto #photographylover #agameoftones #icatching #gramslayers #dopeclickz #igers #pa_explorations #pafeatured #nosmallcreator #ig_udog

Saturday, February 15, 2020
Somthing Diffrent . . . . #sonyhomies #eastcoastshooterz #moodygrams #artofvisuals #igtones #phillyphotographer #ig_color #ig_masterpiece #justgoshoot #igmasters #ig_epicshotz #sonyphotogallery #artofvisuals #visualsgang #instagoodmyphoto #photographylover #agameoftones #icatching #gramslayers #dopeclickz #igers #pa_explorations #pafeatured #nosmallcreator #ig_udog

Saturday, February 1, 2020
The New DJI Osmo Action Camera Is a GoPro Killer!
The post The New DJI Osmo Action Camera Is a GoPro Killer! appeared first on Alonzo West.
Source: https://alonzowest.com/the-new-dji-osmo-action-camera-is-a-gopro-killer/
By: AlonzoWest.com
Google Announces a new gaming platform called Stadia
This week at GDC 2019, Google surprised many of us with the announcement of Stadia. It is google’s new gaming platform and studio. From what we know so far is that it seems to be a cloud based gaming platform aimed at removing the need to buy expensive hardware in exchange for a monthly subscription.…
The post Google Announces a new gaming platform called Stadia appeared first on Alonzo West.
Source: https://alonzowest.com/google-announces-a-new-gaming-platform-called-stadia/
By: AlonzoWest.com
The Photographers Glass Ball
The photographers glass ball, somtimes called a crystal ball or lens ball. They look magical and give photos a unique perspect, but where do i get one? I am sure by now that most of us have saw this mysterious glass ball appear on our instagram feeds. It seems to have been taking the instagram…
The post The Photographers Glass Ball appeared first on Alonzo West.
Source: https://alonzowest.com/the-photographers-glass-ball/
By: AlonzoWest.com
The best Free stock photography and video websites to date
With the growth of youtube and instagram, somtimes you need a photo or video for your project. In this post I am going to list all the free stock photography and video sites that I know about. If you have a free stock website that is not on the list, please let me know about…
The post The best Free stock photography and video websites to date appeared first on Alonzo West.
Source: https://alonzowest.com/the-best-free-stock-photography-and-video-websites-to-date/
By: AlonzoWest.com
How to get vimeo video info using php
Sometimes you need to get details of a video, Or maybe you are creating a new project and it has videos from Vimeo, well you are in luck. In this tutorial, I am going to show you quick and easy how you can retreave the info of a vimeo video using php! First, lets…
The post How to get vimeo video info using php appeared first on Alonzo West.
Source: https://alonzowest.com/how-to-get-vimeo-video-info-using-php/
By: AlonzoWest.com
10 Things you should know about driving for UBER
So in the last few years I have been driving for uber and quite frankly, I love it. It allows me to have freedom to focus on my other businesses and still earn a decent income when my other businesses might be slow. So with 2019 right around the corner. I figured I would write…
The post 10 Things you should know about driving for UBER appeared first on Alonzo West.
Source: https://alonzowest.com/10-things-you-should-know-about-driving-for-uber/
By: AlonzoWest.com
The best Photo and Video editing laptop 2019
If your like me then you been wanting to purchase a laptop with video and photo editing in mind but dont want an Apple product because you hate the hype. Well then let me introduce you to my new editing laptop 2019 that I recently bought cheap. I purchased a MSI brand laptop that has…
The post The best Photo and Video editing laptop 2019 appeared first on Alonzo West.
Source: https://alonzowest.com/the-best-photo-and-video-editing-laptop-2019/
By: AlonzoWest.com
What drone should you buy in 2019
Recently there have been a ton of drones released by different manufacturers. The most noticeable ones would be the DJI line up. After all, they are pretty much running the market and have been for years. So I would say its a safe bet that if you are looking for a drone it should be…
The post What drone should you buy in 2019 appeared first on Alonzo West.
Source: https://alonzowest.com/what-drone-should-you-buy-in-2019/
By: AlonzoWest.com
The Law Of Attraction, What is it and how to use it for business success
The Law Of Attraction has been recently a big topic around social media. However this is nothing new. This powerful method of receiving wealth has been around since the beginning of time. It recently been a hot topic of a famous youtuber named Fousey. He recently announced how he uses this law to receive all…
The post The Law Of Attraction, What is it and how to use it for business success appeared first on Alonzo West.
Source: https://alonzowest.com/the-law-of-attraction/
By: AlonzoWest.com
How to start a youtube channel on a budget
Weather you like it or not youtube is a must for any business and is becoming one of the most saught after career these days. while success on youtube is not guaranteed, it still adds value to your business and for some of us. we are creating a business on a budget. that is why…
The post How to start a youtube channel on a budget appeared first on Alonzo West.
Source: https://alonzowest.com/how-to-start-a-youtube-channel-on-a-budget/
By: AlonzoWest.com
Free Screen Recording Software for Windows 10
I have been looking all over for the best free screen recording software for windows. I tried countless programs and recently stumbled upon a open source program that works really well. It allows you to take screen shots and record your screen in full resolution and includes audio. The only downside I found with the…
The post Free Screen Recording Software for Windows 10 appeared first on Alonzo West.
Source: https://alonzowest.com/free-screen-recording-software-for-windows-10/
By: AlonzoWest.com
The Amazon Influencer Program and what you should know about it!
If you dont know by now, amazon has launched a brand new program. Its called “The Amazon Influencer Program” and its pretty sweet. However there are some things you need to know before you can apply for the program. This program is not for everyone and its not going to replace the current amazon affiliate…
The post The Amazon Influencer Program and what you should know about it! appeared first on Alonzo West.
Source: https://alonzowest.com/the-amazon-influencer-program-and-what-you-should-know-about-it/
By: AlonzoWest.com
Want to Try Double Exposures? Forget Everything Else You’ve Read
Double exposures, when they’re done well, are incredibly impressive. The literature on how to do them is fairly limited, but here, I’ll explain how they work and how they’re done. How to Make a Double Exposure If you’re doing this on digital, there are two ways that I’m familiar with. The first requires your camera…
The post Want to Try Double Exposures? Forget Everything Else You’ve Read appeared first on Alonzo West.
Source: https://alonzowest.com/want-to-try-double-exposures-forget-everything-else-youve-read/
By: AlonzoWest.com